The Duggars are famous for a lot of things–tater tot casserole, strict gender roles, young marriages, and mostly for simply being function of a ginormous family. Families don't get that big without a ton of births. Therefore, while the men of the clan are supposed to be the breadwinners, it'due south really the women keeping the Duggars in the headlines. They behave the babies, characteristic in the announcements, and star in the birthing specials that air on TLC.

Jill had one birth special, and her second never aired for unknown reasons. Although her son, Sam, did accept complications, which viewers take accused a botched home nativity of beingness responsible for, no medical justification for those claims e'er surfaced. Testify remains supportive of home birth beingness prophylactic for depression-take chances moms like her. Jessa has gifted the family unit with ii television birth specials with sons Spurgeon and Henry. Before Josh's fall from grace, his married woman had three of her own. Joy-Anna and Kendra recently starred in their own birth episodes, each calculation another little Duggar boy into the mix.

With their behavior on birth command well-known, it seems that fans have decades more of Duggar childbirth specials to look frontward to. People believe that next to announce a pregnancy (and probably Idiot box birth) are newlyweds Josiah and Lauren. Simply fourth dimension volition tell exactly how many Duggar grandbabies' entrances get featured on goggle box.

xx Domicile Birth Haven

The Duggars are huge proponents of home nascency. While about women of the family do receive exterior medical care for their prenatal menstruum, more often than not the girls try to labor to nascency at abode surrounded by family and their spouses. Why? According to the Duggar Family Web log, Michelle—who originally started the family tendency on the communication of a friend—said she felt freer to walk around and listen to her body during the delivery at habitation.

Because of this, she felt she recovered from babies six and seven—both abode births—faster. However, later this, Michelle was deemed high-risk and thus, home birthing wasn't an selection for her.

xix Bradley Method Babies

On 19 Kids and Counting, viewers saw Michelle and Jim Bob attend nascency classes—one time alongside their eldest son and his also expecting wife, Anna. The family seemed to express mirth off having both generations expecting babies, and from what we can tell this a fairly regular affair in "fundie" circles (Kendra, a newer Duggar daughter-in-law, and her own mother were simultaneously pregnant).

The Bradley Method teaches that labor is a natural process and all a woman has to exercise is larn to trust her torso and understand the physiological process of nascency, according to Bradley Nativity. The classes focus on instructing Mom how to listen to her body and Dad how to be a supportive omnibus.

xviii Midwives vs. Doctors

The Duggars seem to prefer midwifery care over that of OBs. Many moms choose midwives over doctors because they are touted as having a better bedside manner. Further, while doctors are trained heavily to await for problems during pregnancy and birth and intervene, midwives are taught more than so how to prevent the aforementioned bug and how to support natural childbirth—something many OBs don't know a lot nearly considering they just don't meet information technology as often these days.

Romper states that Jill Duggar herself sat for the exam and passed it in September of 2015, therefore making her a certified midwife in the state of Arkansas. She's attended at least two home births that required emergency medical attending either during or directly following a baby'southward nascence in her own family unit. Both of Jill'due south sons' births were also attempted at home before Jill sought infirmary intendance for a breech birth. While breech nascency is not actually inherently unsafe, it is illegal for a midwife to perform in some states.

17 Non-Medicated Labor

I function of the Duggars' preference for dwelling birth seems to exist the fact that receiving painkillers is not an option. Reddit has posted several fan theories concerning why the girls prefer to go the painful way, generally suggesting that in a community with so few lauded achievements for women it's something they can practice for a badge of award. Nevertheless, there are references to a chat between sisters Jessa and Jana in which the sometime tells the latter there's no reason to be embarrassed past asking for medical pain relief during labor.

Notably, Jinger Vuolo (née Duggar) recently opted for an epidural during the nascence of her first child. That said, we can equally recognize there are more risks involved in medicated births, and natural births offering babies the virtually wellness benefits. Then, far exist it from us to assume their choices aren't based on testify.

sixteen A Crowd Around

Some women opt for a certain caste of privacy during labor and delivery (well, as much equally can be plant with a lady's private parts receiving style more fresh air than ever), only inviting their partners to witness the big event. It seems the Duggars—who value modesty above style—permit plenty of supporters in the room.

As oneYouTube clip from the 2005 birth of Johannah reminds the states, Michelle even allowed her boyish daughters in the room to witness the big outcome. She thought witnessing birth was a education moment to aid get them fix for their ain adulthoods. Like Michelle, her daughters have given birth or attempted to in forepart of many of their female relatives.

15 Size Is Merely A Number

In this new generation, a pattern has emerged that make ladies clench their knees and cringe 'round the world. The Duggar girls are giving birth to some pretty large babies. T he Hollywood Gossip said the biggest Duggar baby of the married girls tipped the scales at merely over x pounds. This was Joy-Anna'southward baby male child Gideon. Other have come in at nine-plus, which is one reason Jinger cited her desire to be induced before she could become overdue as some of her sisters had.

Even though at that place is no proven way to gauge a baby's size before nativity and infant'south size isn't an bear witness-based reason that supports consecration, many doctors will agree to it. Her infant was a healthy eight pounds and some change, which is perfectly average. She and husband Jeremy named their daughter Felicity.

fourteen Get Pregnant At present

While the Duggars are famous for only allowing "side hugs" during the courting and engagement stages of a relationship, once a young couple is married all the boundaries come crashing down. In fact, Jim Bob Duggar is pretty famous for instructing his children on their wedding 24-hour interval to "be fruitful and multiply," according to Inquisitr. This means most of his children terminate upwardly with honeymoon babies who appear almost exactly ix months after the wedding day.

Kendra and Joe were part of this trend as were Joy-Anna and Austin (whose early announcement sparked shotgun wedding rumors). Jill too became pregnant correct after her wedlock.

xiii VBACs Attack

It stands for vaginal nascence after cesarean, and not all doctors are willing to endeavor it. This is because patients run the chance of uterine rupture if they try to labor too soon afterwards a cesarean—a circumstance in which the uterus breaks open while the baby is still inside. ICAN says that Michelle, who vocally supports VBACs, has experienced them 13 times. Michelle also utilized a doctor who specialized in these procedures while even so in her childbearing years.

Her daughter Jill tried to have a VBAC subsequently her cesarean with State of israel but wasn't able to successfully evangelize her second son Sam this fashion, though not blatantly because of her previous Cesarean.

12 Simply Await After Babies

While most know the general dominion to look until subsequently existence cleared at the 6 weeks mail-birth gynecology engagement, Duggars are told to wait to have marital relations even longer if they take baby girls. 6 weeks is nearly 42 days postpartum. If Duggars accept boys, they're permitted to exist close xl days after his birth. However, with the birth of a piffling daughter that time doubles.

Only 80 days later is the married couple allowed to first trying again. Patheos says this is in adherence to IBLP's "regulations" as taught by now-disgraced leader Bill Gothard.

xi Take As Many Kids Every bit Possible

The Duggar parents wanted and were once pregnant with their 20thursday child. However, the pregnancy ended when the babe had no heartbeat at a physician date, and Michelle was later induced to deliver the tiny infant. Yet, they continued to hope for another pregnancy. According to The Christian Mail service, this is because Michelle and Jim Bob swore after losing a pregnancy after they had Josh to let God decided the size of their family.

They've since encouraged their married children to do the same, going then far equally to have the kids include this in their vows. Josh and Anna did, and Jill and her husband take come out and said they would have equally many children every bit God will bless them with.

ten Have Pictures Right After

Most of the states are sweaty and gross, demand a shower, and want nothing more than to scream to be left alone to sleep or whip out our milk twins. However, that road isn't open to Duggar girls. While still in the infirmary or right after coming home, these couples are sitting in front of a camera, unremarkably for People Magazine. Joseph and Kendra followed adapt in People, and no 1 can forget how wearied Jill looked when information technology was her and Israel'due south turn in the spotlight. After all, she'd just been through 70 hours of stop and offset labor, found out her withal-unborn child was in distress, and and so rushed into an emergency C-section she wasn't prepared for.

9 Requite Birth On Television Simply Don't Watch It

Duggar children were raised in a business firm without boob tube access. This is considering their parents felt like television was a lark from maintaining close relationships and refused to have ane in the house. Therefore, even though a camera coiffure is there for most of the Duggar births, the Duggars don't lookout the media it'll be used for.

I way the family unit has admitted to bending the rule is past watching DVDs of shows they deem wholesome, similar The Andy Griffith Show. In Touch on Weekly has said information technology is "broadcast TV" that the family means to stay away from. We wonder if they lookout man their ain birth episodes.

8 No Nascence Command

Jim Bob and Michelle, who encourage their children to leave their family sizes up to God, have what they retrieve is a valid reason for doing so. Later having their outset child together, they decided to wait to have some other and used the pill as their birth control method of pick. Even so, Michelle savage pregnant again and lost the baby sometime before twenty weeks.

Jim Bob says a dr. informed them the lost pregnancy was due to the use of the pill. In a Hollywood Life article, it is said that Jim Bob believes he and Michelle accidentally caused her trunk to end their baby. While doctors insist this isn't possible, there'southward little science on it and many people do share this opinion with the Duggars.

vii Labor Over A Toilet

Ane thing virtually giving nascency at home–there's the potential for a lot of necessary clean upwardly. Anna Duggar, during her commencement labor experience, was so worried about "going" earlier pushing the baby out that she went to the toilet.

The Inquisitr reminds us that it was at that place that her oldest child was born since the feeling of needing to relieve herself was really her body'south instinct to button. And aye, information technology was caught on photographic camera, and the baby catchers had to kneel downward to brand sure the infant didn't plunk into the potty. We can imagine filming that event was pretty interesting for anybody involved.

6 Don't Show Your Knees

While the Duggars are allowed to requite birth on camera besides every bit breastfeed under a comprehend inside the presence of their movie coiffure, one affair those girls are non allowed to show are their knees. In Touch Weekly reports that there have been several instances of the girls' knees existence blurred as a way to respect the Duggars' modesty standards.

Michelle and company were e'er covered by a sail that blocked a photographic camera view of bare belly during ultrasounds, only having knees pixelated seems to be a footling odd. This has apparently happened with Jessa, Jill and Michelle—all figures who gave nascency on camera.

v Start Young

The Duggar kids tend to marry quite young. Despite this, they are encouraged to get downward to baby making as soon every bit the honeymoon starts. Nikki Swift noticed how young the couples midweek, stating that Joy-Anna was the youngest to necktie the knot at 19. Notwithstanding her brother Josiah was eighteen when he announced his get-go courtship meant to atomic number 82 to spousal relationship with a 17-twelvemonth-old girl named Marjorie.

That courting didn't pan out, just we imagine if it did Josiah and his young married woman would've given his sis a run for her coin. Since that breakdown, Josiah has courted successfully and married. His wife was nineteen at the fourth dimension. Duggar fans are becoming quite eagle-eyed trying to spot the couple'southward expected pregnancy.

4 Go on The Fans Happy

The Duggars make their coin on television and publicity. Having weddings and babies is sort of their bread and butter, and fans like to feel included and upwardly to date with family goings-on.

Therefore, all the meaning girls take participated in what Romper calls "bumpdates," which are social media posts (because once the kids are married, they can have official accounts) that tell people what fruit or vegetable a baby size is close to. Jill did this, as did Jessa and Jinger. It was rumored Joy-Anna did not considering she was poked fun at for the size of her bump early in her pregnancy.

3 Get The Skinny

Recall, in the Duggar world women are taught to never tell their husbands to take care of it themselves. That ways that Duggar ladies non only have to nascence the babies, they immediately have to brand themselves desirable again. Over at CafeMom, an article shines a light on just how they exercise it.

Michelle admits that she uses friends and her "sweetheart" to keep her accountable for losing the weight. She says nothing really about staying healthy or recovery periods, just only that a mix of her back up network and using Weight Watchers keeps her answerable to her goal. Information technology looks like her daughters are taking after her. Jinger recently debuted a shockingly svelte effigy later on having her first babe.

two Become The Pedi

It doesn't seem like the Duggar girls get a lot of pampering in their lives. They're expected to melt, to look after children, to manage households and to be helpmeets to their husbands in whatsoever they need. One thing the girls do seem to be immune to splurge on is pedicures.

In Bear upon Weekly says that a very heavily pregnant Jessa was once featured on the bear witness getting a pedicure with her female parent in law. Jill fifty-fifty went so far equally to go a pedicure after her water broke. We've heard of holistic methods of pain relief just never a trip to the salon.

i Just Inquire Mama

One thing nearly all Duggar girls take admitted to doing is calling upward their mother for advice (after xx labors, she's got to take learned a thing or 2). Jill admitted to doing then when she wasn't certain if she was under or overfeeding Israel in the early days of nursing. For Jessa, Michelle was there to phone call the ambulance afterwards her first home delivery resulted in traumatic hemorrhage.

Michelle'due south advice for new mamas, as stated by Romper, was simple. She said to leave laundry and cleaning when those early days make parents exhausted. Opt for the sleep, and getting on with the chores later won't seem like such a trial.

References: Duggar Family Blog, Bradley Birth, Romper, Reddit, YouTube, Hollywood Gossip

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