Cast Iron Pipes repair epoxy puttyThe cast iron pipe. A staple of plumbing for many years, the cast iron has held a special place in the hearts and plumbing systems of people around the world. But what happens when one of those precious pipes breaks? What if it leaks? How could someone possibly fix it by themselves without rigorous plumber training? Is it time to call a plumber and spend money you don't have? Or is there… ANOTHER way?

Where would one find a cast iron pipe? How can I tell if it needs repairing?

Cast iron pipes have been used for almost 100 years in plumbing, so it's not uncommon to see them throughout homes and businesses in plumbing. So, if your home was built before 1980 (when they switched to PVC/plastic pipes) there's a good chance you have cast iron pipes.

Keep in mind, when cast iron pipes fail it's usually because of corrosion from inside. Look for signs of rust when you're inspecting your pipes. Of course, some of most telling signs that a pipe needs fixing are leakage or cracks in the actual pipe.

But how would one fix these aforementioned holes/cracks/leaks in pipes? It most likely runs into an emergency situation, where you need a quick temporary fix until permanent solution is implemented. So, you'll want to use a steel epoxy putty repair stick. What's that you ask? It's a polymer compound that when mixed, creates a super strong bonding agent that will fix any crack/leak/hole in any cast iron pipe. But wait…

How can epoxy fix pinholes, leaks and cracks?

Using epoxy putty to fix a leak or a hole is as easy as 1-2-3-4-5. No longer will the average professional, business or even homeowner need to employ someone to fix their leaking cast iron pipes. But enough talk, how are you supposed to fix this leak/crack/hole anyways? Check out this step by step process:

  1. Find the leak/hole/crack. This probably seems obvious, but identifying the exact spot of your leak is vital to knowing where to place the epoxy. A good trick to use if you're having a hard time finding the leak is to wrap paper towel around the leak and press hard, then look for wet spots. Here's an ancient plumber's secret– the wet spots on the paper towel are the spots where your pipe is probably leaking.
  2. Prepare the pipe. What could this possibly mean, you ask? Pretty much the pipe needs to be completely clean so that the epoxy can stick. Use a small piece of sandpaper around the area of the leak. This will get rid of all the dirt and debris that might mess up your fixing job.

  3. Prepare the epoxy. This might be the easiest step in the job. Cut off a piece of your epoxy stick as needed and knead the piece between your fingers until it's all one uniform color. What you're doing here is mixing the epoxy with the hardener.

  4. Place the epoxy over the crack/hole/leak. This part is somewhat tricky, so pay attention. Spread the putty over the crack/hole/leak until it's completely covered. Make sure not to make it too thin or it won't work. This thing is going to harden in about five minutes too, so remember you don't have much time to work. Just be calm and focus.

  5. Wrapping up. Now that the epoxy has hardened, it can be used immediately but we recommend you wait a little bit, maybe just an hour, before running water through your pipes again. Once the water is running, check the leak spot again just to make sure it's working well. You can even do the paper towel thing again (remember the ancient plumber's secret).

Now that we now the where and both hows of cast iron pipe repair, why don't we tackle the what? Or rather, the which. Which epoxy putty stick should I use? WIth such a crazy diverse market, what's the best of the best when it comes to Epoxy Putty Repair Sticks?

Brofix steel epoxy putty repair stick

If you want the best of the best when it comes to epoxy putty repair sticks look no further than the this reinforced non rusting epoxy, Brofix steel epoxy putty repair stick by Brodi. A super strong, fast setting steel epoxy putty made of an industrial strength polymer compound is a permanent solution to any fix you may need. Let's check out the stats, shall we?

Brodi Brofix Steels Epoxy Putty Stick

  • Lap Shear Strength range from 350 to 900m p.s.i.
  • Compressive Strength range from 10,000 to 12,000 p.s.i.
  • Electrical resistance 30,000 megohms
  • Dielectric strength 300 volts/mil
  • Upper Temperature Limit 250°F continuous, 300°F intermittent

For those of you who didn't get that, what those stats are trying to tell you is that this stuff is super strong, super adhesive, super heat and electrically resistant, amongst other incredible feats. It can be tapped, screwed, drilled, sanded, sawed, filed or painted and is super safe, completely non-flammable and releases no noxious fumes. This stuff is also the only thing you should use when fixing cast iron pipes. It clogs up leaks like you've never seen before, restoring your dusty old pipes to their former glory. So, if you want your pipes up to code, look for a fix that starts with "Bro". The Brofix steel epoxy putty repair stick, to be specific.